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Cleanly grown | Radish #agardensglory | Glory shoots |
mild or spicy microgreens | Superfoods | colorful garnish |
A Glory Fresh Microgreen | nutty freshness | micro mixes |
various culinary herbs |
Award Recipient* for
Microgreen-Piatto Fresco™
"Cleanly grown-no chemicals used"™
*sharing tips & techniques on growing live, vibrant, nutrient dense varieties
throughout the seasons!
Growing in mother nature's environment allows our microgreens and herbs the benefit of consistent O2 to CO2 oxygen transmission rates to occur.
Researchers have remarked that live, not cut greens sitting in a plastic bag and/or clamshell can deliver the best sustained OTR & maximum nutritional benefits to consumers.
Check out research link below to see what else researchers are saying about
microgreens being up to 40 times more nutrient dense than the mature plant.
Truly super-foods!
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